

CallXpress is a cost-effective service to manage incoming calls to the Medical practice when the practice is closed.  At the end of a work day, the medical practice would forward the telephone calls received on the main phone number to a callXpress phone number dedicated to the medical practice.   When the telephones are forwarded to the dedicated callXpress telephone number for the practice, the caller hears the five prompts/options available to them: Option 1 - leave a voicemail message for the office staff; Option 2 - Receive real time information based on patient symptoms; Option 3 - request to schedule a sick visit; Option 4 - request to schedule a well or other non-urgent visit; Option 5 - the medical question is medically urgent from a physician, hospital or patient.    Calls are logged and data is presented in the CallXpress portal for a staff member of the Medical office to log in and manage the voicemails, sick and well visit requests when they start their day.   Additionally, providers can login if the account is set up to notify on call providers when option 5 is selected (versus the call being forwarded to a nurse triage center or liver answering service).


Most calls to a medical practice after hours are related to follow-up items that can wait until the practice is open.   CallXpress provides the ability for callers to provide either a voicemail message or request to schedule an appointment.   Additionally, the instant information provided to callers based on symptoms leverages nurse triage protocols and provides voice response to the caller based on the age of patient, symptoms and duration.   In many instances, patients or caregivers are able to effectively leverage the instant symptom information to manage a non-urgent condition until they can schedule a sick appointment.     This front end system reduces the calls to either the nurse triage center or the provider on call so that there is appropriate use of these resources.

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